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Informations about the region Krkonose Mts.

About the region

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Ergis #ID: 1

Geographic information an location

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

The Krkonose Mountains are part of the Sudetes Mountains. They are the highest mountains within Central Europe north of the Alps. It measures 35 km from east to west and 20 km from north to south with its main ridge forming part of the border between the Czech Republic and Poland
Area: 454 (Czech part), 177 (Polish part)
Altitude: from 300 to 1602 (Sneska peak) metres above sea level
Getting to Krkonose Mts.

Ergis #ID: 6

Panoramic map

The panoramic map offers a quick overview of the geography of Krkonose Mountains and their foothills. Click on cities on the map to have more information displayed.

360° Panoramas from the Krkonose Mountains * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
Ergis #ID: 3

The region's highlights

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

The Krkonose region features the highest mountain of the Czech Republic – Snezka (1602m) and the spring of the mighty Labe/Elbe river. The treasures of this area include an extraordinary flora and fauna and the unique northern tundra on the mountain range (e. g. Upa Peat). Examples of the wide range of traditional architecture can be found in Paseky nad Jizerou and several historically and urbanistically relevant towns in the foot-hills, e.g. Vrchlabí, Trutnov, Jilemnice, Hostinné, Kowary and more.

Natural sights in the Krkonose Mountains
Sights in the Krkonose Mountains

Ergis #ID: 2


enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

The Krkonose Mountains are well known for their unsettled wheather conditions. Its typical oceanic character caters for moderate summers and precipitation-rich winters.

Ca. 800mm per year, on the ridges ca. 1200-1400mm per year

Snow depth: between 100 and 300 cm

Temperatures: Annual average 0° to +6° C, the coldest month is January (-4,5° to –7,2° C), the hottest month is Juli (8,3° to 14° C)

Ergis #ID: 4

Summer holiday in Krkonose Mts.

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

The Krkonose mountains are a popular recreational travel destination for many visitors that take advantage of the nearly unlimited possibilities for sports, leisure time activities and culture. During the summer months, visitors can explore well marked hiking and biking trails, as well as the local flora and fauna. Outdoor swimming pools, mountain chalets and cafés offer refreshment and relaxation.

Travelling season:
The hiking and cycling season starts in May and has its peak in July and August. Autunm is our insider tip for hikers and bikers as it offers mostly good weather conditions and beautifully coloured forests. A little further up in the mountains even some snow would be no surprise at this time of the year.

Voltage: 220 V.

Outdoor sports, Cyclotourism, Hiking, Nordic-Walking

Ergis #ID: 63

Winter holiday in Krkonose Mts.

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

In winter Krkonose Mountains offer the best conditions for skiing in the Czech Republic. Especially famous are skiing centers in Spindleruv Mlyn, Harrachov, Pec pod Snezkou, Karpacz and Sklarska Poreba in Poland.

The winter season starts at the end of November and beginning of December. The main tourist season falls on the Christmas time, New Years Eve and spring school holidays in February. Most of the accommodation is booked far ahead for this period so we recommend to make your bookings early. The best time for winter sports is between January and March.

Cableways, Ski-lifts, Cross-country skiing tracks, Down-hill runs, Sledge runs,...

Ergis #ID: 68

360° Panoramas

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Get an even more realistic impression of the countryside and the cities with the panoramic views from the Krkonose Mountains. To view these pictures you will need the Quick Time™ Plug-in on your computer. Of course, there's nothing like coming here and seeing the Krkonose Mountains through your own eyes.

Ergis #ID: 30

Getting to Krkonose Mts.

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

The best way to Krkonose Mts. is to drive by car or by bus. From Prague it will take you about 1.5 hour by car and 2.5 hours by bus (Timetable). You can also take advantage of three road boarder crossings with Poland.
Train connections to Krkonose Mts. is rather tedious. Trains arrive in Harrachov, Vrchlabi and Svoboda nad Upou (Trutnov).

Ergis #ID: 69

Informations about the region Krkonose Mts.

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Nejvyšší české hory i jejich podhůří jsou jedinečné svou polohou, svou historií a přírodou. Nejvyšší partie hor pokryté tundrou připomínají spíše krajiny Arktidy vzdálené odsud tisíce kilometrů. Níže na svazích hor najdete smrkové a bukové lesy a na loukách rozeseté horské chalupy. V údolích pak kouzelné potoky a řeky a kolem nich rušná i klidná horská střediska.

Velká část Krkonoš je chráněna národním parkem - a to na české i polské straně. Pro svou jedinečnost byly dokonce vyhlášeny biosférickou rezervací Unesco. Přesto najdete v horách i v podhůří mnoho příležitostí pro aktivní dovolenou. Od jara do podzimu si můžete vybrat nepočítaně značených cest pro pěší turisty i cyklisty. V zimě pak stovky kilometrů upravených tras pro běžkaře či řadu sjezdových tratí.

V horách i ve střediscích pod horami je vždy co vidět a co okusit.


Ergis #ID: 33

Nature conservation in the Krkonose Mts.

enlarge picture:  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Many visitors don’t perceive that the nature in the Giant Mountains is in a state of serious endangerment. Paradoxically, while prestigious international institutions (Dutch foundation FACE, European Union, UNECSO, The World Bank) help to rescue the valuable nature of the Giant Mountains, we ourselves continually destroy it. The worst menaces of today are not only pollutants but also unregulated invasion of tourism.
You can also contribute to this effort to preserve the nature of the Giant Mountains for future generations by following the visitor regulations of the parks, signs and information boards.

History of conservation
Visitor regulations

Our tip
pict: Snezka - Pec pod Sněžkou


Pec pod Sněžkou
Our tip
pict: Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River) - Špindlerův Mlýn

Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River)

Špindlerův Mlýn
Our tip
pict: Castle - Jilemnice

