Visitor number
Visitor number
Ergis #ID: 1646

Karkonoski park narodowy

Karkonoski Park Narodowy (KPN) was established in 1959 and it forms direct boarder between Poland and the Czech Republic. On the polish side Krkonose Mountains (Góry Olbrzymie, Góry Wielikońskie) form about 185 km2. Total extent of KPN is 5 575,27 ha.

The district of KPN not only includes high-elevation forests with vegetation but also forests in the area of KARPACZE, JAGNIATKOW and SKLARSKIEJ POREBY. The scenic hill CHOJNIK also comes under KPN. The most valuable parts of KPN, the area of 1 719 ha, are situated over the top boarder of the forrest and are strictly protected.

Since 1992 KPN and KRNAP (in Czech republic) form together so called Bilateral Biosphere Reserve.

Sobieszów 58-570

Phone: (0048)75 755 3348