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Nature in the Krkonose Mountains


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(found: 49 out of 49 records in category: Nature)

Mountain Snezka Pec pod Sněžkou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)


Pec pod Sněžkou
The highest mountain in Bohemia (1602 m). The oldest building is the St. Lawrence chapel built in 1655-1681…
Peat bog Upska raselina (Upa raised moss) Pec pod Sněžkou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Upska raselina (Upa raised moss)

Pec pod Sněžkou
A nature reserve since 1952, the Upa raised moss is located in a shallow depression between Snezka, Hranicni…
Spring Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River)

Špindlerův Mlýn
At 1386 metres above the sea level a ring-shaped well made of concrete symbolizes the source of the Elbe…
Waterfall Elbe waterfall Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Elbe waterfall

Špindlerův Mlýn
Waterfall of the river Labe next to Labska bouda (Labska cottage). located in the northernmost part of…
Waterfall Pancava waterfall Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Pancava waterfall

Špindlerův Mlýn
The highest waterfall (140 m) in the Czech Republic falls down the steep rocky slope from Pančavská louka…
Valley Sněžné Jámy (Snow Pits) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Sněžné Jámy (Snow Pits)

Špindlerův Mlýn
Natural reserve and the hugest corrie on the territory of the Krkonoše divided into Malé and Velké Sněžné…
Lake Wielki Staw (Big pond)  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Wielki Staw (Big pond)

The lakes on the Polish side of the Krkonoše are traces of glacial activity in this region. They can…
Lake Maly Staw (Small Pond)  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Maly Staw (Small Pond)

The lakes on the Polish side of the Krkonoše are traces of glacial activity in this region. They can…
Waterfall Kamienczyk waterfall  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Kamienczyk waterfall

The Kamienczyk waterfall (27 m) is the highest of its kind on the Polish side of the Krkonoše. The waters…
Waterfall Mumlava waterfall Harrachov * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Mumlava waterfall

Not far from the city-centre of Harrachov in the western part of the Mumlava valley there's a 10 m …
Rock formation Harrachovy kameny (Harrach stones) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Harrachovy kameny (Harrach stones)

Špindlerův Mlýn
These eye-catching blocks of granite stone are to be found on the edge of the Velka Kotelni Jama (1421…
Forest Dvorský les (Dvorský Forest) Horní Maršov * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Dvorský les (Dvorský Forest)

Horní Maršov
This is the highest point of the Rýchory ridge, a protected nature reserve with remainders of a primeval…
Cave Bozkovské jeskyně (Bozkovské Caves) Vysoké nad Jizerou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Bozkovské jeskyně (Bozkovské Caves)

Vysoké nad Jizerou
The only dolomite caves in Bohemia are in the slope of Vápenice at Bozkov near Semily. The caves comprise…

Biały Jar

Biały Jar is a nivation basin, moulded by firns - massive layers of hardened snow, sog. Firne. Up to…
Valley Kocioł Małego Stawu  * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Kocioł Małego Stawu

The basin of Maly Staw (Small Pond), is situated at the border of the upper forest limit and subalpine…
Rock formation  

Polední kámen (Midday Stone)

This rock formation located on the Polish side is called Slonecznik here. Legend has it, that once Krakonoš…
Mountain Žalý Benecko * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)


The Přední (Lower) Žalý mountain - 1019 m and the Zadní (Upper) Žalý mountain - 1036 m are 2.2 and 3…

Čertova hora (Devil's Mountain)

The partly wooded hill rises 1,2 km south of Harrachov over the "Mummel" valley, the "Ryzí" crrek and…

Čertova pláň (Devil's Plain)

This broad wooded ridge (970 m) runs above the valley of the Ryzí and Černý creeks in the western part…
River Mumlava Harrachov * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)


The river Mumlava has actually 2 springs - the Big and Small Mumlava. It collects its waters on the Mumlava…
Historical sight
Starostův pramen Janské Lázně * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Starostův pramen

Janské Lázně
Peat bog Cernohorske raseliniste Janské Lázně * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Cernohorske raseliniste

Janské Lázně
Mountain Černá hora (Black Mt.) Janské Lázně * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Černá hora (Black Mt.)

Janské Lázně
North-east of the top of this majestic, 1299 m mountain, located to the south-west of Janské Lázně, lies…

Luční hora

Pec pod Sněžkou
Its Peak has been modelled by frost. Distinctive steps on Luční hora's slopes, that remind of pyramid's…
Valley Obří důl (Giant’s Pit) Pec pod Sněžkou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Obří důl (Giant’s Pit)

Pec pod Sněžkou
The mighty valley between Sněžka and Pec pod Sněžkou, is a nature reservation with precious flora. Already…
Mountain Studniční hora Mountain  Pec pod Sněžkou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Studniční hora Mountain

Pec pod Sněžkou
Peak 7 km east of Špindlerův Mlýn and 1,8 km east of Luční hora (Meadow mountain). This peak had an independent…
Waterfall Úpa waterfall Pec pod Sněžkou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Úpa waterfall

Pec pod Sněžkou
It is split into the upper and lower Úpa's fall. Upper Úpa's fall (120m) ranks among the highest falls…
Waterfall Huťský vodopád Rokytnice nad Jizerou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Huťský vodopád

Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Mountain Lysá hora Rokytnice nad Jizerou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Lysá hora

Rokytnice nad Jizerou
Mountain Kotel (Kokrháč) Rokytnice nad Jizerou * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Kotel (Kokrháč)

Rokytnice nad Jizerou
This Mountain of 1435 m hight is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the Krkonoše Mountains.…

Spring Roubenka

Roztoky u Jilemnice

Minerální pramen

Mountain Hill Strážník Studenec * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Hill Strážník


Mrtvé jezero (Dead lake)

A sediment reservoir for the thermal electric plant Porici u Trutnova. Construction on the reservoir…
Rock formation  

Zámecký vrch (Chateau hill) - Rechenburk

In the vicinity of Zámecký vrch (Chateau hill) are several interesting rock formations. Giant heads,…
Chapel and Fountain of St. Anne Vrchlabí * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Chapel and Fountain of St. Anne

The chapel is consecrated to St. Anne, the patron and guardian of the town Vrchlabi. It was build in…
River Bílé Labe (The White Elbe River) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Bílé Labe (The White Elbe River)

Špindlerův Mlýn
The White Elbe River is an 8 km long creek, that rises in the Úpské rašeliniště (the Úpa peat-bog) 1432…
Mountain Divci Kameny Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Divci Kameny

Špindlerův Mlýn
This rock formation on the border crest of the Krkonose Mountains was formed has by irregular weathering…

Dlouhý důl

Špindlerův Mlýn
During the ice age covered with ice. Dolsky potok passes through the valley Dlouhy Dul. On it's right…

Důl Bílého Labe

Špindlerův Mlýn
The 6,5 km long valley was formed by glaciers and the 8 km long riverbed of the Bile Labe. Since the…
Valley Harrachova jáma  (Harrach's hollow) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Harrachova jáma (Harrach's hollow)

Špindlerův Mlýn
A geologic formation north of the town of Horní Mísečky.
Mountain Kozí hřbety Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Kozí hřbety

Špindlerův Mlýn
On this steep mountain range walking is prohibited. During the winter, the road on the hillside of Kozi…


Špindlerův Mlýn
This mountain road was built in 1936 and is the highest mountain road in Bohemia. Above Vrbata’s cottage…

Labská soutěska

Špindlerův Mlýn
This protected region of the Labe's riverbed south from Predni Labska, starts near Kukacka. Within a…
Valley Labský důl (The Elbe mead) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Labský důl (The Elbe mead)

Špindlerův Mlýn
This mountain valley is of glacial origin. On its bottom meanders the Elbe river. In the northernmost…
Valley Meadow of Pančavská louka Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Meadow of Pančavská louka

Špindlerův Mlýn
The meadow lies on a plateau north-east of the town Rokytnice nad Jizerou and southwest of the hill Vysoké…
Lake Mechové jezírko Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Mechové jezírko

Špindlerův Mlýn
Is situated in the first zone of KRNAP national park - forrested area with moss'body. The lake is out…
Mountain Mužské kameny (Men’s Stones) Špindlerův Mlýn * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Mužské kameny (Men’s Stones)

Špindlerův Mlýn
Across this typical peak on the ridge between Petrova bouda (Peter’s Cottage) and the saddle above Martinova…
Mountain Kralovecky Spicak Žacléř * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)

Kralovecky Spicak

The mountain of Královecký Špičák is part of the Vrani hory (Crow Mountain) mountain range. Not very…
Our tip
pict: Upska raselina (Upa raised moss) - Pec pod Sněžkou

Upska raselina (Upa raised moss)

Pec pod Sněžkou
Our tip
pict: Sněžné Jámy (Snow Pits) - Špindlerův Mlýn

Sněžné Jámy (Snow Pits)

Špindlerův Mlýn
Our tip
pict: Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River) - Špindlerův Mlýn

Pramen Labe (The spring of the Elbe River)

Špindlerův Mlýn