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Historical sight, Refreshments
Ergis #ID: 2218

Chalet Samotnia

enlarge picture: Chalet Samotnia * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
enlarge picture: Chalet Samotnia * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
enlarge picture: Chalet Samotnia * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
enlarge picture: Chalet Samotnia * Krkonose Mountains (Giant Mts)
detailed map
detailed map

Chalet Samotnia is one of the most beautiful chalets in Poland. It is situated in the middle of a Small Pond Cirque with over 200m tall cliffs. It offered accommodation to goat sheperds already 400 years ago. Later trout breeding was added. The first mention of a shelter for the watchman guarding the trouts in the small Pond against poachers goes back to 1670. In 1861 the shelter was adapted for tourists. It went through another reconstruction in 1934 and received its present looks. Chalet Samotnia is indicated as the oldest cottage in Silesia.

Maly Staw - Polsko

Phone: 0048 757 619 376