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Arnultovice, Chotěvice Zip code: 543 71 Number of inhabitants: ca. 4 747 Elevation: 351 m above the sea level infocentrum@muhostinne.cz, turkova@muhostinne.cz www.hostinne.info The community is member of union: The Krkonose Mts. - Union of Municipalities
Hostinné belongs among the oldest towns at the foothills of the Krkonoše Mountains. The town and its neighbourhood are currently a centre for paper production and processing. During a visit to our town we also recommend viewing of the unique collection of Antique statue copies in the Antic Art Gallery.
History: It was founded in the beginning of the second half of the 13th century. Originally, the town was fortified with a stone rampart and water moat. The centre of the town is formed by a quadrangle-shaped town square surrounded by burghers houses with a beautifully vaulted arcade dating back to the 16th-18th centuries. The town hall tower, quadrilateral at the foundation and octagonal on the first floor, is decorated at the corner sections, by two 4,80 metre high figures of giants, dressed and equipped as Roman soldiers.